1. Research Assistant @ RRC, IIITH (Jul - Oct, 2022)
Briefly after graduation, I worked as a Research Assistant at the Robotics Research Center, International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad under the supervision of Prof. K. Madhava Krishna.
I was primarily involved in the hardware and software prototyping, integration, testing and development of algorithms for motion planning for pixhawk-based quadcopters. This was in part of the MeitY funded project on “Design and Fabrication of Autonomous Passenger Drone”.
2. Undergraduate Student @ TIET Patiala (2018-2022)
The followings activities were undertaken as an undergraduate engineering student (from mid 2018 till mid 2022).
2.1. Research
Integration of micro-ROS service with OSEK/VDX compliant ERIKA real-time kernel to support high-performance embedded platforms. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]
Development of image processing algorithms for segmentation of multiple corneal layers in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images.
Implemented three deep learning models with custom hyperparameters for object detection on tensorflow using the Tiger Re-identification in the Wild dataset by the Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation. Second Runner Up solution for Bennett University Intern Hack 2019. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3]
2.2. Open Source
GSoC 2021: Integration of the meta-ros layer with Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) to support Robot Operating System (ROS2). [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3] [LINK 4]
GSoD 2020: Reworking of Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) documentation hosting and generation, restructuring and rewriting of the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) documentation content. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3] [LINK 4]
Veritas: Lead the development and deployment an university wide digital logbook portal which serves as a platform for all relevant logs, tasks, etc for undergraduate students especially during final year capstone projects. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3]
2.3. Thapar Satellite Program (ThapSat)
Served as the Lead Student Engineer (Jan 2020 - June 2022), for Thapar Satellite Program (ThapSat). Spearheaded the development of in-house nanosatellite for developing techniques to observe the long-term hazardous effects of pollution on the environment by collecting data using specialised sensors and cameras.
Presented a talk at the Amateur Radio & Amateur Satellites Workshop, 'Quickstart to Software Defined Radio', Dec 2021, Online (Thapar Satellite Development Center).
Led multiple student research projects as part of this initiative:
Development of UAV based RF transceiver for detecting agricultural land fertility. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3]
Developed a dual orthogonal linear polarized LPDA antenna having efficient radiative coupling over the band 80MHz - 400 MHz (S11 < -8 dB) for astronomical observations. Top three (finalist) solution for IUCAA SWAN Antenna Design Challenge 2020. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]
Calculated number of photons reaching THAPSAT nanosatellite aperture for multiple greenhouse gases, using the theory of radiative transfer. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3]
2.4. FSAE Team Fateh (Formula Student)
Served as the Department Head - Data Acquisition & Electric Vehicle (Oct 2019 - June 2022) for the Formula Student Team, FSAE Team Fateh.
Led the development of microcontroller based data acquisition system that records CAN bus data from ECU, supports multiple sensors and interfaces to the driver using a custom designed dashboard with special focus on HMI design. The system validates the vehicle dynamics and design methodologies of the in-house developed formula styled open-cockpit vehicle by recording crucial data points and simultaneously transmitting data in real time to trackside engineers using LoRA. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]
The team won multiple awards at:
- Overall Event: Second Runner Up
- Overall Static Events: Winner
- Engineering Design: Runner Up
- Cost & Manufacturing: Winner
- Overall Event: Runner Up
- Engineering Design Event: Runner Up
- Endurance Event: Winner
- Acceleration Event: Winner
- Best Engine Tuning Award
Laid the foundational grounds for the creation of the Electric Vehicle department. Planned the roadmap for conversion of combustion vehicle to an electric vehicle. Supervised newly recruited members to participate successfully for the first time in Formula Bharat’s FSEV Concept Challenge Pi-EV 2022.
2.5. Hackathons
Remote Asset Discovery Tool: Developed a Go based tool that is able to monitor assets and be able to tell users all key information pertaining to the same. Winning solution of Flipkart GRiD (Information Security track) 3.0 National Hackathon. [LINK]
Khuim: Built an all-in-one flutter based smart travel assistant. Uses pre-trained Resnet Model along with transfer learning for image recognition and supports NLP based ChatBot. Winning solution of (Intra University) Smart India Hackathon 2020. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]
Helixa: Developed a smart CCTV Camera system that does not require hefty networks, DBMS and manually intensive resources to operate. Second Runner Up solution of HashHacks 4.0 National Hackathon. [LINK]
AusCare: Created a smart Raspberry Pi based Augmented Reality device (analogous to Google Glass) which assisted autistic children to understand emotions and guide them with constant learning and recitation. [LINK]
Smart Queue Analytics: Designed a Flutter based cross platform application for visualizing data from Cisco’s smart Meraki camera. Winning solution to Cisco DEVNET problem statement for Smart India Hackathon (Software Edition) 2019. [LINK]
Felix: Developed a smart assistant which aims to make visually impaired people independent for interaction with their surroundings. Winning solution to Hack36 2.0 National Hackathon. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]
Amaurotic: Innovated a cost-effective portable mechanical braille reader device, making education accessible and affordable to the visually impaired. Winning solution to HashHacks 3.0 National Hackathon. [LINK 1] [LINK 2]