GSoC Weekly Update: Week 4
Week 4 :
Add support for YDLIDAR in meta-ros2-foxy layer
Create YDLidar-SDK recipe as it a dependency for ydlidar_ros2_driver.
# Change into recipe directory $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2-foxy/generated-recipes/ $ mkdir ydlidar-ros2-sdk/ $ cd ydlidar-ros2-sdk/ $ vim # Define the recipe DESCRIPTION = "YDLIDAR SDK" AUTHOR = "..." ROS_AUTHOR = "...." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=4e320231d59c825e45dbfda066af29c9" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https" SRCREV = "8b287ed831db0892f51793650b438790442fa09c" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" inherit cmake FILES_${PN} += "${datadir} ${prefix}/startup" do_install_append() { sed -i -e 's|${DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP}||g; s|--sysroot=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}||g' ${D}${libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc } RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
Create ydlidar_ros2_driver recipe.
# Change into recipe directory $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2-foxy/generated-recipes/ $ mkdir ydlidar-ros2-driver/ $ cd ydlidar-ros2-driver/ $ vim # Define the recipe inherit ros_distro_foxy inherit ros_superflore_generated DESCRIPTION = "The ROS2 device driver for YDLIDAR LIDARS" AUTHOR = "..." ROS_AUTHOR = "...." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "devel" LICENSE = "BSD" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" ROS_CN = "ydlidar_ros2_driver" ROS_BPN = "ydlidar_ros2_driver" ROS_BUILD_DEPENDS = " \ rclcpp \ rclcpp-components \ sensor-msgs \ visualization-msgs \ geometry-msgs \ std-srvs \ " ROS_BUILDTOOL_DEPENDS = " \ ament-cmake-auto-native \ ament-cmake-ros-native \ " ROS_EXPORT_DEPENDS = "" ROS_BUILDTOOL_EXPORT_DEPENDS = "" ROS_EXEC_DEPENDS = " \ rclcpp \ rclcpp-components \ sensor-msgs \ visualization-msgs \ geometry-msgs \ std-srvs \ " # Currently informational only -- see ROS_TEST_DEPENDS = "" DEPENDS = "${ROS_BUILD_DEPENDS} ${ROS_BUILDTOOL_DEPENDS}" # Bitbake doesn't support the "export" concept, so build them as if we needed them to build this package (even though we actually # don't) so that they're guaranteed to have been staged should this package appear in another's DEPENDS. DEPENDS += "${ROS_EXPORT_DEPENDS} ${ROS_BUILDTOOL_EXPORT_DEPENDS}" #added DEPENDS += "ydlidar-ros2-sdk" RDEPENDS_${PN} += "${ROS_EXEC_DEPENDS}" #ROS_BRANCH ?= "branch=release/foxy/ydlidar_ros2_driver" SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master;protocol=https" SRCREV = "2e095da315aec0a0bc5aaac12082cb9d1f97f8b5" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" ROS_BUILD_TYPE = "ament_cmake" inherit ros_${ROS_BUILD_TYPE}
Add ydlidar_ros2_driver recipe to configuration file.
# After setting up AGL workspace # Clone the meta-ros layer, skip if already cloned $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external $ git clone $ cd meta-ros $ git checkout -b dunfell # Change into conf directory $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2-foxy/conf/ros-distro/include/foxy/generated $ vim Edit according to add ydlidar_ros2_driver : In ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_RECIPES add, ydlidar-ros2-driver \ In ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_RECIPE_BASENAMES_WITH_COMPONENT add, ydlidar-ros2-driver/ydlidar-ros2-driver_1.0.1 \ In ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES add, ydlidar-ros2-driver \ In ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_RECIPES_FOR_COMPONENTS add, ydlidar-ros2-driver \
Build master/x86: meta-ros + agl-image-weston + YDLIDAR support
Kindly go through build process of AGL and building for x86 for detailed reference to setup and initialize AGL workspace.
# After setting up AGL workspace # Clone the meta-ros layer, skip if already cloned $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external $ git clone $ cd meta-ros $ git checkout -b dunfell # Setup build directory $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/ $ source meta-agl/scripts/ -b build-x86-meta-ros-weston agl-devel $ ln -sf $AGL_TOP/site.conf conf/ $ ls -alh conf/ # Edit the following conf files : $ vim conf/local.conf #add the following to the bottom, to save error logs for future debugging # local.conf INHERIT += "buildhistory" BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT = "1" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " packagegroup-ros-world-foxy" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler-msgs" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler-ros" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "eigenpy" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "py-trees-ros-tutorials" $ vim conf/bblayers.conf #Replace the following chunk # bblayers.conf AGL_META_NETWORKING ?= "" AGL_META_PYTHON = "${METADIR}/external/meta-openembedded/meta-python" AGL_META_ROS = " \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros-common \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros-backports-gatesgarth \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2 \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2-foxy \ " AGL_OTHER_DEPENDENCY_LAYERS = " \ ${AGL_META_NETWORKING} \ ${AGL_META_PYTHON} \ ${AGL_META_ROS} \ " # Build the image $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/build-x86-meta-ros-weston/ $ source agl-init-build-env #if not sourced $ bitbake -p ros-core #build ros-core first, to check all layers are added. $ time bitbake agl-image-weston #wait for the build process to finish.
Run master/x86: meta-ros + agl-image-weston + YDLIDAR support
Kindly use pre-built image agl-image-weston-qemux86-64, if you want to skip the building process.
Kindly go through using prebuilt x86 images for detailed reference to setup and initialize AGL workspace.
# gdrive : # Install the dependencies $ apt-get install qemu $ sudo apt install vinagre $ sudo apt install qemu-system-x86 # Copy image and kernel files $ cp ~/Downloads/agl-image-weston-qemux86-64.ext4 ./ $ cp ~/Downloads/bzImage ./ $ sync # Run $ vim # attach YDLIDAR to the host system. #-device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=4, change accordingly to ydlidar usb port `lsusb -t` ( sleep 5 && vinagre --vnc-scale localhost ) > /tmp/vinagre.log 2>&1 & qemu-system-x86_64 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0,mac=52:54:00:12:35:02 -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \ -drive file=agl-image-weston-qemux86-64.ext4,if=virtio,format=raw -show-cursor -usb -usbdevice tablet -device virtio-rng-pci \ -device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostport=4 -vga virtio \ -vnc :0 -soundhw hda -machine q35 -cpu kvm64 -cpu qemu64,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+popcnt -enable-kvm \ -m 2048 -serial mon:vc -serial mon:stdio -serial null -kernel bzImage \ $ sudo ./ # Boots up qemu-system-x86_64: -usbdevice tablet: '-usbdevice' is deprecated, please use '-device usb-...' instead qemu-system-x86_64: warning: host doesn't support requested feature: CPUID.80000001H:ECX.svm [bit 2] Automotive Grade Linux 11.91.0+snapshot qemux86-64 ttyS1 qemux86-64 login: root root@qemux86-64:~# source /usr/bin/ root@qemux86-64:/# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib root@qemux86-64:/# cd /usr/share/ydlidar_ros2_driver/ root@qemux86-64:/# vim params/ydlidar.yaml # Edit accordingly, for YDLIDAR X4 : ydlidar_ros2_driver_node: ros__parameters: port: /dev/ttyUSB0 frame_id: laser_frame ignore_array: "" baudrate: 128000 lidar_type: 1 device_type: 0 sample_rate: 5 abnormal_check_count: 4 resolution_fixed: true reversion: false inverted: true auto_reconnect: true isSingleChannel: false intensity: false support_motor_dtr: true angle_max: 180.0 angle_min: -180.0 range_max: 12.0 range_min: 0.1 frequency: 8.0 invalid_range_is_inf: false root@qemux86-64:/# ros2 launch launch/ # YDLIDAR starts spinning # # In a new terminal, ssh into qemu : $ ssh -p 2222 root@localhost root@qemux86-64:~# source /usr/bin/ root@qemux86-64:/# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib root@qemux86-64:/# ros2 topic list -t /parameter_events [rcl_interfaces/msg/ParameterEvent] /rosout [rcl_interfaces/msg/Log] /scan [sensor_msgs/msg/LaserScan] /tf_static [tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage] root@qemux86-64:/# ros2 topic echo /scan # View data stream # In either terminal root@qemux86-64:/# poweroff #else, runs in background
Build master/raspberrypi4: meta-ros + agl-image-weston + YDLIDAR support
Kindly go through build process of AGL and building for raspberrypi4 for detailed reference to setup and initialize AGL workspace.
# After setting up AGL workspace # Clone the meta-ros layer, skip if already cloned $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/external $ git clone $ cd meta-ros $ git checkout -b dunfell # Setup build directory $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/ $ source meta-agl/scripts/ -f -m raspberrypi4 -b build-rpi4-meta-ros-weston agl-devel $ ln -sf $AGL_TOP/site.conf conf/ $ ls -alh conf/ # Edit the following conf files : $ vim conf/local.conf #add the following to the bottom, to save error logs for future debugging # local.conf INHERIT += "buildhistory" BUILDHISTORY_COMMIT = "1" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " packagegroup-ros-world-foxy" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler-msgs" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "plotjuggler-ros" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "eigenpy" ROS_SUPERFLORE_GENERATED_WORLD_PACKAGES_remove = "py-trees-ros-tutorials" $ vim conf/bblayers.conf #Replace the following chunk # bblayers.conf AGL_META_NETWORKING ?= "" AGL_META_PYTHON = "${METADIR}/external/meta-openembedded/meta-python" AGL_META_ROS = " \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros-common \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros-backports-gatesgarth \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2 \ ${METADIR}/external/meta-ros/meta-ros2-foxy \ " AGL_OTHER_DEPENDENCY_LAYERS = " \ ${AGL_META_NETWORKING} \ ${AGL_META_PYTHON} \ ${AGL_META_ROS} \ " # Build the image $ cd $AGL_TOP/master/build-rpi4-ros-demo/ $ source agl-init-build-env #if not sourced $ bitbake -p ros-core #build ros-core first, to check all layers are added. $ time bitbake agl-image-weston #wait for the build process to finish.
Run master/raspberrypi4: meta-ros + agl-image-weston + YDLIDAR support
Kindly use pre-built image agl-image-weston-raspberrypi4-64, if you want to skip the building process.
Kindly go through using prebuilt raspberrypi4 images for detailed reference to setup and initialize AGL workspace.
Connect YDLIDAR X4 to Raspberry Pi 4. Attach external USB if using with Raspberry Pi (otherwise underpowered and DEVICE FAILED warning).
## gdrive : # Copy image and extract into SD card $ cp ~/Downloads/agl-image-weston-raspberrypi4-64.wic.xz ./ $ lsblk #find <SD_CARD> $ sudo umount <SD_CARD> $ xzcat agl-image-weston-raspberrypi4-64.wic.xz | sudo dd of=<SD_CARD> bs=4M $ sync # Boot up Pi and ssh into it (local network) $ ifconfig #checkout local address $ sudo nmap -sn #scan local network $ ssh-keygen -f "/home/boron/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "192.168.1.xx" #required if new image on same device $ ssh root@192.168.1.xx #Connect to raspberrypi4 through ssh # Boots Up raspberrypi4-64 login: root root@raspberrypi4-64:~# source /usr/bin/ root@raspberrypi4-64:/# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib root@raspberrypi4-64:/# cd /usr/share/ydlidar_ros2_driver/ root@raspberrypi4-64:/# vim params/ydlidar.yaml # Edit accordingly, for YDLIDAR X4 : ydlidar_ros2_driver_node: ros__parameters: port: /dev/ttyUSB0 frame_id: laser_frame ignore_array: "" baudrate: 128000 lidar_type: 1 device_type: 0 sample_rate: 5 abnormal_check_count: 4 resolution_fixed: true reversion: false inverted: true auto_reconnect: true isSingleChannel: false intensity: false support_motor_dtr: true angle_max: 180.0 angle_min: -180.0 range_max: 12.0 range_min: 0.1 frequency: 8.0 invalid_range_is_inf: false root@raspberrypi4-64:/# ros2 launch launch/ # YDLIDAR starts spinning # In a new ssh terminal $ ssh root@192.168.1.xx #Connect to raspberrypi4 through ssh root@raspberrypi4-64:~# source /usr/bin/ root@raspberrypi4-64:/# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib root@raspberrypi4-64:/# ros2 topic list -t root@raspberrypi4-64:/# ros2 topic echo /scan # View data stream