
XDS server architecture

The server part is written in Go and web app (basic HTML) in Angular4.

+-- bin/                # where xds-server binary file will be built
+-- conf.d/             # Linux configuration and startup files (systemd user service)
+-- glide.yaml          # Go package dependency file
+-- lib/                # sources of server part (Go)
+-- LICENSE             # XDS server license
+-- main.go             # main entry point of of Web server (Go)
+-- Makefile            # makefile including
+--           # readme
+-- scripts/            # hold various scripts used for installation or startup
+-- test/               # XDS test suite
+-- tools/              # temporary directory to hold development tools (like glide)
+-- vendor/             # temporary directory to hold Go dependencies packages
+-- webapp/             # source client basic web application

Debug server part (Go code)

Install first Visual Studio Code and Go plugin (ext install lukehoban.Go)

Visual Studio Code launcher settings can be found into .vscode/launch.json.

Please follow instructions of xds-agent debugging chapter, knowing that you execute these same instructions in xds-server repo, in other words by replacing xds-agent references by xds-server.