Client Part

The client part of the X(cross) Development System (XDS) is a set of XDS client tools that must run on your development host.

The tools that comprise the client part are: xds-agent, xds-cli, and xds-gdb. Of the three, only xds-agent, whose source code can be found here in Gerrit is required.


The binary version is also available as standard Linux packages or as a portable Windows archive (i.e. Zip).

You should establish the following chain:

  • XDS Client: (i.e. xds-cli or XDS Dashboard).
  • XDS Agent: (xds-agent) running on your development host.
  • XDS Server: (xds-server) running on a remote server and/or in a container.

HTTP and Websocket protocols establish exchanges between these three tools.

You can change the default URL/port shown in the following illustration by using configuration files.

XDS blocks chain

NOTE: Installation of the XDS client tools xds-cli and xds-gdb is optional:

  • xds-cli : command line tool to used to interact with XDS (also used by IDE integration).
  • xds-gdb : requested for debugging application.

Install Packages for Debian

Use the following commands to install packages for the client part on Debian-based systems:

# Set DISTRO (e.g. xUbuntu_16.04, xUbuntu_16.10, xUbuntu_17.04, xUbuntu_18.04, Debian_8.0, Debian_9.0)
export DISTRO="xUbuntu_18.04"

# Set AGL_RELEASE (AGL_ElectricEel, AGL_FunkyFlounder, AGL_Master)
export AGL_RELEASE="AGL_Master"

wget -O -${AGL_RELEASE}/${DISTRO}/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo bash -c "cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/AGL.list <<EOF

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install agl-xds-agent
sudo apt-get install agl-xds-cli
sudo apt-get install agl-xds-gdb

Install Packages for OpenSUSE

Use the following commands to install packages for the client part on OpenSUSE-based systems:

# Set DISTRO (openSUSE_Leap_42.3, openSUSE_Leap_15.0, openSUSE_Tumbleweed)
export DISTRO="openSUSE_Leap_15.0"

# Set AGL_RELEASE (AGL_ElectricEel, AGL_FunkyFlounder, AGL_Master)
export AGL_RELEASE="AGL_Master"

sudo zypper ar${AGL_RELEASE}/${DISTRO}/isv:LinuxAutomotive:${AGL_RELEASE}.repo

sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper install agl-xds-agent
sudo zypper install agl-xds-cli
sudo zypper install agl-xds-gdb

Install Packages for Other Platforms (e.g. Windows / MacOS)

  • Follow these steps to install xds-agent:

  • Download the latest released tarball from the GitHub Releases Page.

  • Unzip the tarball anywhere into your local drive (e.g. /opt/AGL/xds or C:\AGL\xds).

  • Add binary to PATH:

    • MacOs: create the .bash_profile nano .bash_profile and add export PATH="/opt/AGL/xds/xds-agent:$PATH
    • Windows: change the system path using the control panel or system settings. Alternatively, you can setx path "C:\AGK\xds\xds-agent;%path%"
  • If you want to install optional tools, repeat the previous steps for each tool:

  • xds-cli, which is used for command-line and IDE integration. Downloaded from the (released tarball link).
  • xds-gdb, used for debugging applications. Downloaded from the (released tarball link).

Start xds-agent

As noted earlier, the xds-agent client tool must run on your local development host when you use XDS. Depending on your development host, use the following commands:

  • For a Linux-based development host, a user systemd service is provided (i.e. xds-agent.service).

To start this service automatically when your host boots, enable the service using the following command:

bash # Enable xds-agent service at boot systemctl --user enable xds-agent.service

To start the XDS-agent service and display its log, use these commands:

```bash # Manually start xds-agent service systemctl --user start xds-agent.service

# Get status and log of xds-agent service systemctl --user status xds-agent.service ```

  • For a MacOS-based host, use the following command to manually start xds-agent:

batch /opt/AGL/bin/xds-agent

  • For a Windows-based host, use the following command to manually start xds-agent:

batch C:\AGL\xds\xds-agent\xds-agent.exe