Scientific assertions

Note If you need to deal with value minus zero, be very careful because Lua versions are inconsistent on how they treat the >syntax -0 : it creates either a plus zero or a minus zero. Multiplying or dividing 0 by -1 also yields inconsistent > results. The reliable way to create the -0 value is : minusZero = -1 / (1/0).

  • _AFT.assertIsNaN(value) Assert that a given number is a NaN (Not a Number), according to the definition of IEEE-754_ . If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

  • _AFT.assertIsPlusInf(value)

    Assert that a given number is plus infinity, according to the definition of IEEE-754_. If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

  • _AFT.assertIsMinusInf(value)

    Assert that a given number is minus infinity, according to the definition of IEEE-754_. If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

  • _AFT.assertIsInf(value)

    Assert that a given number is infinity (either positive or negative), according to the definition of IEEE-754_. If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

  • _AFT.assertIsPlusZero(value)

    Assert that a given number is +0, according to the definition of IEEE-754_. The verification is done by dividing by the provided number and verifying that it yields infinity . If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

    Be careful when dealing with +0 and -0, see note above

  • _AFT.assertIsMinusZero(value)

    Assert that a given number is -0, according to the definition of IEEE-754_. The verification is done by dividing by the provided number and verifying that it yields minus infinity . If provided, extra_msg is a string which will be printed along with the failure message.

    Be careful when dealing with +0 and -0