How to add a new documentation section into AGL documentation

They are two steps to add new markdown files to AGL documentation:

  • Add a book yaml file to the repository where the documentation sources are located (written in markdown files).
  • Add an entry into the global section yaml file that point to your book file. The section yaml file is in docs-webtemplate repository ( named section_<version>.yml.

Note: To generate a local documentation please refer to the README of the docs-webtemplate ( and use script.

Add a book yaml file into a repository

The book file is needed to describe how your documentation is structured and must be used to describe among others :

  • the global title of the doc
  • the chapter name when the doc will be part of the whole documentation website
  • subchapters list and consequently subchapters hierarchy
  • multi-language description


Multi-language is handled by key suffixes. That is to say, there are some keys that can be suffixed by a language: <key>_<lang> For the url to the markdown files, the prefix %lang% will match with suffixes. So, you have to create a subdirectory named %lang% where the markdown files are put.

A example for the french:

name: "My section in english"
name_fr: "Ma section en français"
url: "%lang/"
$ ls -lR mydir

There are several types of book:

  • book
  • api

Book Type

book type describes documentation structure and chapters. Below the generic way to include a book file:

type: books
    id: <ID1>
    order: x #optional: between 0 in 100 default when not set is 50, it allows to define order in final
             #documentation, more the order number is low more the documentation is first
    title: title of your chapter  #default title
    title_<lang>: title in <lang>
    description: description of your book
    keywords: some keywords
    author: author of the documentation
    version: version of the documentation
        - name: Name of your subchapter
          name_<lang>: Name of your subchapter in <lang>
            url: "%lang%/relative-path/to/your/" #%lang% will be replaced by the
                                                           #available languages,
                                                           #default language can be in the root directory
        - name: Name of your subchapter
          name_<lang>: Name of your subchapter in <lang>
          url: "%lang%/relative-path/to/your/"
        - name: Name of your subchapter
          name_<lang>: Name of your subchapter in <lang>
            - name: Name of your subsubchapter
              name_<lang>: Name of your subsubchapter in <lang>
              url: "%lang%/relative-path/to/your/"
            - name: Name of your subsubchapter
              name_<lang>: Name of your subsubchapter in <lang>
                - ...
            - ...
        - ...
    id: <ID2>
    ... is a sort of schema of book.yml. This file contains all supported keys.

Here a sample yaml file, you can start from :

wget -O my-new-book.yml

Api Type

In progress

Add an entry in section file

There are 4 sections in docs: getting_started, architecture_guides, developer_guides, apis_services.

They are located in content/docs in docs-webtemplate repository. In addition, each directory contains several section yaml file, one a version. For master version, it is section_master.yml.

Below the structure of section yaml file.

url_fetch : DEFAULT_URL_FETCH #this the default url_fetch that can be overload further, there already are some default variables defined in docs-webtemplate/docs-tools
git_commit : DEFAULT_VERSION #this is the default git_commit that can be overload further, there already are some default variables defined in docs-webtemplate/docs-tools

name: Name of the section
template: generated_index.html
    id: <ID1>
    url_fetch: <url_fetch> #optional, overload the default one
    git_commit: <git_commit> #optional, overload the default one
    path: "relativepath/from/root/repository/to/the/book/yaml/file"
    books: #optional: subbooks, will be a child of the above book
        - id: <SUBID2>
          url_fetch: <url_fetch> #optional, overload the default one
          git_commit: <git_commit> #optional, overload the default one
          path: "relativepath/from/root/repository/to/the/book/yaml/file"
        - ...
    id: <ID2>